Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ian: You are mean. No - you are crazy. Crazy!
me: Hey, dude. You remember how, last night, Daddy reminded me not to call people crazy? Because it was not a good word to say? Well, he was totally right. We're not going to call people that, okay? You remind me and I'll remind you.
Ian (mutters) you're crazy.
Me: What does that even mean? What does "crazy" mean, Ian?
Ian: (very emphatically) It means when you are not awesome.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Nice Try

Me: You were so good at the doctor's office!
Ian: You were right. He is a really dood [that's how Ian says 'good' -ed.] doctor.
Me: What should we have for lunch?
Ian: Ummmmm...Cheeburger Cheeburger!
[regional chain lunch counter - there's one near church.]
Me: That's a pretty good idea.
Ian: Wait, how about..............Lollipop Lollipop??!
Me: Wow! I don't know where there's one of those!
Ian: (sighs, looks out window.) They're all far, far away.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I promised that, the next time we had a cork to screw, I'd show him how it worked.

Ian is obsessed with the corkscrew.

He was being Mr. Crabass this afternoon, and I suggested a picnic to jolly him up. We ended up sitting on a blanket the deck, eating grapes, cheese, and Girl Scout cookies, helping dinosaurs climb the Eiffel Tower. It was quite relaxing.

I opened some sparkling apple juice (Ian wanted soda, which was not going to happen, but this compromise allowed me to sit around under the beautiful blue sky and gaze at buds and hold a wineglass and kind of kid myself that I was drinking wine.)

But we needed a bottle opener to open the cap on the apple juice, and the first one I could find was on the big corkscrew. Which looks like a person, and airplane, and, not surprisingly, a dinosaur.

No preschoolers or Mommies were harmed in the eating of the picnic.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We had to explain to Ian that, while the Easter Bunny comes to most kids houses during the night, she visits minister's kids in time for dinner.

The Lord is risen indeed. I have tonsilitis.